Recently we discussed suggestions on how to interact with law enforcement (while packing heat) during a traffic stop. Now we are going to discuss do’s and don’ts if you ever find yourself dealing with law enforcement responding to a shooting or other critical incident. It is important to understand that specific laws in your state/region may dictate other than what... [Read More]
If you carry all day every day (like you should) there is a high probability at some point you will have interaction with law enforcement. Whether that means getting pulled over or following a critical incident you may be involved in. Understanding how to act is not just important from the legal perspective, it may save your life. Since this... [Read More]
ADAM PAINCHAUD:  Obviously, most people know you publicly from your experience in Benghazi. Can you tell us a little bit about what happened when you returned? Obviously, with the Rangers you had a lot of deployment and combat time prior to that attack. But what specifically with that attack, what influenced home and family life when you returned from that... [Read More]
ADAM PAINCHAUD: Obviously being physically fit is obviously important. How do you think that enhances your defensive posture, you're mindset? Why is this so important to you? KRIS "TANTO"PARONTO: Well, it does. Mindset first of all, actually I'm downstairs.  I got done with my 4.5 run and I'm downstairs working out while we're doing this interview right now trying to... [Read More]
Shooting is a lot of fun. If you carry a gun, you’re a gun enthusiast and you like being out on the range, I encourage you to check out one of the matches in your local area, and get involved with the shooting sports this month. National Shooting Sports month is all about getting out there and having fun with... [Read More]
In my daily travels I saw constant examples of “concealed carry." I put that phrase in quotes because of the fact I SEE the concealed carry. I see it all. Full size hand cannons “concealed” under tight fitting tee shirts, eight inch bowie knives on belts, keep honking I’m reloading stickers, and the occasional slung up AR getting out of... [Read More]
Firearms Lifestyle
Empower| Educate| Entertain Empowering You To Discover, Create, Improve and Enjoy Your Best Firearms Lifestyle and Self-Defense Experience. Our mission is to bring you the best-in-class learning experience that makes you better at the level you are now. In addition it enables you to increase your proficiency and enjoyment many levels higher with customized training for your level. E3 Firearms... [Read More]
Adam Will Tell  You Wilson Combat is a Name of Quality Why the EDC X9 is the 9 mm pistol Adam left the show carrying. Watch Adam Live from NRA 2018 – Dallas as he gives you a walk and talk through the NRA 2018 convention, as innovation and quality is how Adam explains the new 9 mm pistol, the... [Read More]
See this short cut adjustable sighting system in action The Ukon Adjustable Sighting System Join Adam Painchaud and the crew from ANR Designs LIVE at NRA 2018, as they talk about the Ukon adjustable sighting system, including how the Ukon started out , and why it’s great for using with pop up sights. See this short cut adjustable sighting system... [Read More]
See why Adam has two Surefire’s on when in action Listen as Adam tells you about the Surefire XC1-B Listen in as Adam tells you about his every day carry weapon light… the Surefire XC1-B. He visits with Surefire and walks you through the operation and advantages. You’ll see why Adam has two Surefire’s on when in action, along with... [Read More]