Especially up here in the northeast, and pretty much across the country, winter means that daylight is short. It’s starting to get dark around 5:30pm. That gets me thinking about if I have the right equipment for conditions, including batteries. I’m thinking about, “Do I have my light with me? Is my light charged up with good batteries?” A good,... [Read More]
Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Before you go off for a fun Thanksgiving holiday with your family, I want to take a few minutes to answer some common questions from people like you. Question 1) I’m getting a ton of great information already. Adam) I’m glad you’re enjoying our content. You’ll get the same quality content and training, multiplied... [Read More]
Discover best practices when carrying your gun in the car. There are some great do’s and dont’s from Adam on where to carry so you can access your firearm in an emergency quickly.... [Read More]
Adam Painchaud Answers Questions from an E3 Firearms Association Audience Earlier this week, Adam Painchaud held a live Q&A discussion session, when he gave practical advice, and answered questions from our live call-in  audience about Firearms training and safety. If you missed the opportunity to join this special E3 Firearms Association event, you can listen to the recording today. You'll... [Read More]
Join Officer Adam Painchaud on patrol, as he shares what to do if you are involved or near a shooting incident. You'll hear what to do if you are in an incident, and what not to do when police are on the scene. You'll discover what to think about when police respond, as well as what their first priority is.... [Read More]
I would say that fall is probably my favorite time of the year. As it relates to firearms, one of the things that’s nice about the fall is I feel like I have more concealed carry options as the weather gets colder. In the summer months, I’m running around off duty on the weekends and after hours. I’ve got shorts... [Read More]
We just wrapped up a special women’s training event up here in New Hampshire at the Farmington Fish & Game Club. We hosted a  only basic handgun class. Christy taught it and did a phenomenal job, it was a big success. We had 13 women in the class. We had a great bunch of ladies in that class. I was... [Read More]
ADAM PAINCHAUD: I assume you're out there packing a gun every day, what's on your mind? You carrying everywhere all the time, no matter what with your travels, what are your thoughts? KRIS PARONTO: Well, when I'm home I do. I have it all the time. The problem with me traveling and especially the amount I traveled last year and... [Read More]
ADAM PAINCHAUD:  You're a firearms instructor for 18+ years. You’ve been on the range a lot. You're working a lot of students and influencing a lot of folks, people maybe just starting out shooting or seasoned operators. When you're out there obviously you have the hard scopes. You're focusing on mindset and things like that, what's the big message you're... [Read More]
ADAM PAINCHAUD: Most people who continue to educate themselves and train understand the mindset of avoiding any incident in the first place.  What are some of the approaches you take in this area of avoiding or minimizing engagement? KRIS PARONTO:  The first thing you want to do is not get in a gunfight. You don’t want to be in that... [Read More]