Christy Painchaud is retired from military service. Her vast experience and training also includes being a special agent and a firearms instructor. As a mom, Christy helps bring a different perspective, from a woman and mom in the firearms world. Christy’s first memories of shooting a gun was with her dad at her uncle’s property in Kentucky. She started out... [Read More]
In this lesson, Adam and Brian reveal how to secure your firearms for air travel and TSA searches. You’ll hear what to do when checking firearms on airlines with TSA, as well as alternatives to using airlines to transport firearms. Adam also shares what he found that works when securing firearms properly for TSA. You’ll also see why there... [Read More]
Join Adam and Brian as they walk you through having safe passage through multiple states. You’ll hear what to do when crossing state lines, and what not to do. They share why you must be aware when crossing state lines, along with an explanation of what the Safe Passage federal law is, and what it means to your... [Read More]
The first thing to do is to purchase a gun that’s a good fit for you, that’s right for you. If you have not done so already, take an afternoon and stroll into a few gun shops in your area. See who you like and make that your gun shop. Then have them help you find the right gun for... [Read More]
Adam Painchaud, President of E3 Firearms Association talks about performing a status check in this Tactical Shooter Tip Talk. Join Adam and Brian as they walk you through having safe passage through multiple states. You’ll hear what to do when crossing state lines, and what not to do. They share why you must be aware when crossing state lines, along... [Read More]
Firearms instruction for women means handling firearms confidently in today’s world is a necessity, if you want to keep yourself and your family safe. If you have a fear of guns, try your best to overcome that fear. Because there is no reason to be afraid of guns. You control the gun. Just take that next step and have someone... [Read More]
In this podcast with E3 Firearms Association President and Co-Founder Adam Painchaud, you'll see how Adam got his start in the firearms world. Adam reveals his favorite gun and his one "bet your life on" go-to gun. You'll hear about his time helping people and making a name for himself, and all about Adam's time as a federal agent and... [Read More]
Especially up here in the northeast, and pretty much across the country, winter means that daylight is short. It’s starting to get dark around 5:30pm. That gets me thinking about if I have the right equipment for conditions, including batteries. I’m thinking about, “Do I have my light with me? Is my light charged up with good batteries?” A good,... [Read More]
This is a featured article by an empowered woman sharing her story as part of our Women on Wednesday series. Women on Wednesday is all about empowering ourselves and others. Kay won a one-year FREE MEMBERSHIP to E3Firearms Association! Email us with your story for a chance to win & be featured here in the spotlight! Email us at [email protected]... [Read More]
Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Before you go off for a fun Thanksgiving holiday with your family, I want to take a few minutes to answer some common questions from people like you. Question 1) I’m getting a ton of great information already. Adam) I’m glad you’re enjoying our content. You’ll get the same quality content and training, multiplied... [Read More]