Get Your E3 Firearms Membership Today! JOIN TODAY! | Member Login E3 Firearms is more than just a company; we’re a community of educators and firearm lovers. Empowering You To Discover, Create, Improve and Enjoy Your Best Firearms Lifestyle and Self-Defense Experience. Our organization exists to maximize human potential and accelerate human achievement. We empower people to achieve a higher quality... [Read More]
Kerry Davis is the founder of Dark Angel Medical, the industry leader in the field of tactical medicine, gear and training. He is by far the most respected person in the business as it relates to everyday carry and tactical medical. However, as an everyday citizen who carries, you never know when you will be in the position where you... [Read More]
I can’t remember a time when guns weren’t in my life. My dad hunted with gun and bow. He kept his guns in an antique gun cabinet in our dining room. No lock, glass front. It was filled with the antique guns he collected, his hunting guns, a hand gun, and ammunition. It was a different time then, and although... [Read More]
Empowerment is a powerful word and holds a different meaning to each of us, as it applies to each unique aspect of our lives. Christy Painchaud shares the importance of mindset and preparation to empower and protect yourself along with 7 things you should and can do.... [Read More]
Terrorist attacks are scary. But it always helps to be educated about what to do and what not to do, so you have the best chances of staying safe. Share your thoughts about what you would do if you found yourself in the middle of an attack unfolding around you. Was this message useful? What would you do... [Read More]
It’s Women on Wednesday… with “Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules” Our empowerment message this week is to encourage you to empower and educate your children with gun safety! We recently read a new favorite children’s gun safety book, “Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules” by @juliegolob (World Class Competitive Shooter and Industry Icon). We absolutely loved it! We highly recommend it... [Read More]
Check out our “Women on Wednesdays” message from Kim Sellers as she shares her empowerment story… ”For the past several years, my dad and I go to the shooting range as a part of father-daughter time for his birthday. It first began as something fun, “bonding” time. However, the first time I held the gun in my hands and... [Read More]
Welcome to “Women on Wednesdays”… our new women’s column hosted by me, Christy Painchaud! This feature is especially for our female members and followers. But guys, you’ll want to read these too, as there will be a lot of useful insights coming in from our readers. As a firearms training instructor for many years now, one thing I have always... [Read More]
Cars are bad place to keep weapons. A jimmied car door, a broken window, and someone can steal a gun that can be used to commit more crimes. Research has found between 300,000 and 600,000 firearms in the U.S. are stolen every year. That’s 1,600 stolen guns every day, or more than one per minute. Follow these 10 tips to... [Read More]
Starting in January, we are doing something special for the ladies. We’re launching a Women on Wednesdays column, led by Christy Painchaud. Not all the stories and comments are coming from Christy though. We want to hear from our female followers and members!! Here’s a little message from Christy. “As an instructor, one thing I always loved about teaching was... [Read More]